This is very hot interesting and arguing topic that how and where the language came from. It is so difficult to find the exact location and position of language due to the lack of direct evidence. The origin of language must be drawn from other evidence such as (fossil record, archaeological evidence, study of language acquisition.) All the linguists are confused to find out the exact origin of the language. The shortage of empirical evidence resulting from that this topic is unfavourable for serious study. In 1866, Linguistic Society of Paris banned existing or future debates on this topic just because it was so trending in the western world until in the late of twenty century and have no any solid physical direct evidence.

According to Charles Darwin (1871) 

Charles Darwin

“The suspicion does not appear improbable that the progenitors of man, either the males or females or both sexes before they acquired the power of expressing their mutual love in articulate language, endeavoured to charm each other with musical notes and rhythm.”

In Charles Darwin, vision about the origin of language is that humans had already developed the language to show or share their mutual love and to charm each other in the form of musical notes and rhythm.

In simple words we don’t know, How and where from the language originated. We only know the ability to produce sound since the man was born on the earth.

The suspicion for some type of spoken language must have developed between 10,000 and 50,000 years ago. Before written language approximately 5000 years ago, So far we have not any direct evidence related to the speech our distant ancestors that might tell us about how and where from the language originated, due to the absence of direct physical evidence we can not say or point out the exact era that the language started from there.

Due to the absence of direct evidence, we will rely on different Sources and Theories.


1 The Divine source.

2 The natural sound source.

3 The physical adaption source.

4 The tool-making source.

5 The genetic source.


1 The bow-wow theory.

2 The pooh-pooh theory.

3 The ding-dong theory.

4 The yo-he-ho theory.

5 The ta-ta theory.

6 The la-la theory.

7 The ma-ma theory.

8 The sing-song theory.

9 The hey you! Theory.

10 The hocus pocus theory.

11 The eureka! Theory.